Use of resources in full financial transparency
The activities and projects of the Bayon School are only possible thanks to the support of many partners. The funds are used transparently and less than 100% of them are used for administrative costs in Cambodia.
Funding sources

Expenses allocation

The association’s bureau French members are all volunteers, who finance their own mission expenses, including field trips.
The association strives to develop local income sources in order to ensure own financial autonomy:
- The Pastry School is in part self-funded by the Coffee Shop revenue and sales to hotels / restaurants.
- Development of local income sources (sale of pepper, jam, book, etc.).
- Development of funding sources in Asia: Singapore, Hong Kong, donation in kind (rice, coffee, blender, etc.).
- Partnership with Siem Reap travel agencies to publicize our actions and develop local donations.
Almost 450 sponsors are loyal to the Bayon School and finance more than 30% of the total budget.