Discover how the Bayon School integrates art and culture into the heart of its educational program !

Discover how the Bayon School integrates art and culture into the heart of its educational program !

For 7 years now, our school has had the pleasure of welcoming Gilles, a talented artist specializing in creation using recycled materials. Every year, he travels to Siem Reap to propose unique artistic projects to our Pastry School and Primary School students. For three weeks, in collaboration with our teachers, he imagines and realizes artistic installations designed to improve the daily life of our school community.

Two years ago, Nathalie, an artist specializing in driftwood creations, joined this initiative to enrich our joint project.

The previous year, their creativity transformed our café’s environment, adorning its walls with magnificent paintings.

This year, their vision focused on creating a warm reading space for our pastry students, both in their classrooms and in their dormitories. Their project includes building a library and furnishing the space with mats and cushions, inviting relaxation and literary discovery.

As for the Primary School, our director Vanta has come up with an equally inspiring project: a giant KHMER alphabet created from unused tires, offering a playful and innovative approach to language learning.

At the Bayon School, we firmly believe that art and culture are essential elements of education, and we’re proud to see our students flourish through these creative initiatives.

Offering these artistic activities to our students every year allows them to open up to new horizons, to discover their talents and to develop their skills.

We look forward to seeing them again next year !

Welcome to the Bayon family !

Marie returns : Agroecology expertise for new horizons

Back in France to complete her studies after a year spent at the Agroecology School, Marie returns to us with her agronomy engineering diploma in hand, specializing in agroecology. Drawing on this experience, she brings a holistic approach to agricultural development, enriched by a network of agroecology players in Southeast Asia that she has built up through her travels and encounters.

A true enthusiast, Marie loves to pass on her knowledge of agroecology. She does this enthusiastically through participatory workshops, study tours, experiments and demonstrations, as well as various communication media. We look forward to sharing with you the many projects she is planning for the coming months!

Welcome back Marie ! 


After working for an organic certification body in Latin America, Juliette is continuing her exploration of the world of agroecology by joining us in Cambodia.

With a degree in agri-food engineering, Juliette began her career working for major agri-food groups. In search of a mission combining agroecology and social commitment, she wanted to participate in a sustainable, healthy and safe food system for consumers. That’s how she came to join the Bayon School family.

Agroecology quickly became an obvious choice for her. Juliette works with us to develop local, healthy and safe food products for the elementary school canteen and our solidarity coffee shop.

From producer to consumer, she aims to control food safety.

A warm welcome to Juliette!

Jean Pierre & Michèle

Jean Pierre & Michèle

Michèle, an executive at Danone Eaux (Evian), discovered the Bayon School when it was created in 1997 by Marcel Bertaud, Director of Danone Japan and co-founder of the Bayon, with whom she works. In 2006, Michèle and her husband Jean-Pierre, a doctor by profession, came to Siem Reap with Marcel Bertaud to visit the Bayon School. It was an unforgettable experience, as close as possible to our beneficiaries.

In 2016, they decided to invest in the Bayon School by supporting the education and health of young people. Touched by our pupils, sensitive to the need to ensure their long-term quality education, and aware that good health is an essential condition for their development, Jean-Pierre became the NGO’s medical referent, assisted by Michèle. The Bayon School has become like a second home for them. In Siem Reap 6 months a year, they take care of the annual medical check-up of all our beneficiaries, namely :

  • 184 elementary school pupils
  • 20 female pastry-making students
  • 20 agroecology students
  • The program team

The health and well-being of individuals are fundamental to their personal development and their ability to lead active, productive lives. As part of our mission within the organization, we have undertaken a series of actions to promote health and provide social assistance to those in need. This report details our efforts in these areas over the recent period.


The introduction of health check-ups for all students and beneficiaries is one of the pillars of Jean-Pierre’s health initiatives for the Bayon school. This initiative aims to detect potential health problems at an early stage and provide the necessary interventions to ensure students’ well-being. He has been running a dental follow-up program for all students for several years. It has also provided complex medical follow-up for several students with specific health conditions:

  • Colostomy for an elementary school pupil
  • Medical care for an agro-ecology school pupil suffering from a spinal injury following a traffic accident
  • Medical care for a student from the pastry school with a leg injury requiring surgery
  • Medical care for a university student suffering from tuberculosis

Thanks to its network of competent doctors built up over the years, it is able to offer comprehensive medical care and recommendations tailored to each individual case.



In parallel with their healthcare initiatives, Jean-Pierre and Michèle conducted an in-depth survey of the needs of the students’ families. Working with our social team, in particular Romain, they identified the challenges these families face and implemented concrete solutions. Among notable achievements, they facilitated the installation of sand filters and latrines for 160 families, improving their living conditions and environmental health. In addition, they assisted social workers to strengthen their skills in responding to families’ needs in an emphatic way.

Administrative management

As part of their activities, Jean-Pierre and Michèle also collaborated on the implementation of the “Team Desk” management tool, which facilitates the coordination and monitoring of our actions (social, educational, health). This platform enables us to manage our resources efficiently and ensure better communication within our organization.

Specific intervention: “Run Ta Ek

Jean-Pierre and Michèle know our families well and visit our students’ villages every year. Deeply concerned by the recent displacement of several families in Run Ta Ek, they decided to monitor the families’ conditions of displacement, in order to assess with the NGO’s social teams their needs and provide the necessary solutions in terms of housing, health, social and educational support.

The aim was to help them achieve sustainable autonomy by strengthening their resilience and providing them with the resources they needed to improve their quality of life. Thanks to this work, the École du Bayon teams, together with Jean-Pierre and Michèle, identified the help these “former” families needed (assessment of assistance, identification of partners, action plan and budget). All this was done with the aim of giving the students and their families the means to get out of this precarious situation, an essential anchor to be able to study in good conditions and give birth or rebirth to their future projects.

  • Every 6 months, we come back to the Bayon School to help out – it’s an addiction we’re not trying to cure.
  • Our involvement is amply rewarded by the smiles of the families and the joie de vivre of the pupils.

Michèle and Jean Pierre

Say hello to our fantastic 10th graduating class !

Say hello to our fantastic 10th graduating class !

At the beginning of February, we had the pleasure of welcoming the Class of 2024, a total of 20 students to our Pastry School.

As they do every year, they received a bicycle, their T-shirt and trouser ensemble, a hygiene kit renewed monthly and financial compensation to meet their daily needs.

Every day, they receive 1 breakfast, 1 lunch and 1 dinner in our canteen. Their dormitory has been recently renovated to provide them with a larger, more comfortable toilet space.

orientation event bayon school
pastry school orientation

Their year is divided into three distinct phases:

Firstly, the initial term is devoted to learning English, the necessary personal and professional skills and IT, in line with the national educational program.

From April 1, our students begin their practical and theoretical courses as part of their pastry training.

Finally, starting in September, they will be introduced to the professional world through a four-month internship, which can be carried out in hotels and restaurants in Siem Reap and Phnom Penh. To support them in this enriching experience, our teacher and social adviser, Tak, guides them in their search for internships, organizing visits to establishments.

In addition to their training, our students take part in fun and creative activities every Friday afternoon, enabling them to explore new professional and personal horizons.

The students also volunteer to take part in occasional coffee shop events. Recently, they went to the Marché de la Francophonie in the heart of Siem Reap to represent their school, offer our delicious pastries and welcome visitors.

We look forward to watching our students flourish throughout the year, and to supporting them on their journey to pastry excellence !


Discover our young talents from the class of 2024 !

Discover our young talents from the class of 2024 !

We’re delighted to introduce you to the young talents who joined our agroecology program last February. For the third year running, we have welcomed a dynamic group of 20 students, most of them women, ready to dive into the world of agroecology.

Throughout the school year, our students will acquire essential theoretical and practical skills in the field of agroecology. In addition to teaching specific techniques, they will take courses in English, IT, professional and personal skills, as well as food processing, in line with the national curriculum.

Tang Meanrith and bayon school
orientation event bayon school
pastry school orientation

Practical classes punctuate their week, but that’s not all! Every week, our students take part in cultural workshops such as locust breeding, mushroom cultivation and composting, enriching their practical experience.

At Bayon School, we firmly believe in learning in the field, because that’s where real expertise is built. This month, our future agroecology experts had the opportunity to meet six families who grow fruit and vegetables for the elementary school canteen. They were also given the opportunity to choose a project to develop on the farm, a project they will carry out throughout the year. To accompany them in this adventure, they will benefit from training sessions every Saturday, in groups of four, enriching their knowledge and practice.

We look forward to seeing our students grow and flourish in the exciting field of agroecology, and are proud to support them in their academic and professional journey in collaboration with PSE.

Brilliant achievement in the secondary orientation event: sailing excellently into the future!

Brilliant achievement in the secondary orientation event: sailing excellently into the future!

On August 13, 2023, at the eminent VANDA Institute in Siem Reap, we had the honor of welcoming His Excellency Kol Peng Vadhana, the Under Secretary of State in the Ministry of Education, as well as representatives from 8 prestigious universities and renowned professional training institutions in Siem Reap.

The orientation theme, “Charting Paths, Enriching Excellence: Navigating Preparedness and Exploring Opportunities,” beautifully encapsulates the essence of the event.

An engaging symposium unfolded, providing students with an invaluable opportunity to learn, dream and interact with diverse attendees. His Excellency Kol Peng Vadhana and Tang Meanrith, both eminent speakers, inspired the students with their thoughts on motivation and ambition.

This event presented itself as a remarkable gateway for students to explore their educational paths, make informed decisions about their future studies and forge links with renowned institutions.

Even students from the School of Pastry and Agroecology got excited by joining the event, showcasing their educational paths to their high school peers.

Tang Meanrith and bayon school
orientation event bayon school
pastry school orientation